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BrainCool AB (publ) Receives US FDA De Novo Clearance for the Cooral® System for Reduction of Oral Mucositis
Annapolis, Maryland —November 1st, 2022—BrainCool Inc a subsidiary of the Swedish medical device innovator BrainCool AB (publ), announced the launch of Cooral® System which has been approved though a De Novo clearance by the U.S. [...]
BrainCool TTM Aware Summit 2021
Compelling lessons and insight concerning Targeted Temperature Management. Key Opinion Leaders will share; How, Why and When to employ TTM.
Q&A: The importance of ‘high-quality targeted temperature management’ in post-arrest care
A new algorithm that includes targeted temperature management in post-cardiac arrest care was included in the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care.